Symposium on Translational and Innovative Capabilities in the Field of Life Sciences at ShanghaiTech on Macromolecular Drug

Promulgator:SLSTRelease time:2024-05-25 Views:10

The Symposium on Translational and Innovative Capabilities in the Field of Life Sciences at ShanghaiTech, with a focus on the development of macromolecular drugs, was held on May 23rd in the Y Building Lecture Hall. The symposium focused on the latest developments in the development of macromolecular drugs, inviting drug review experts and professors from both inside and outside the university to share their reports.

Dr. Xie Yun, the chief physician from Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, introduced the progress of clinical research on botulinum toxin. Assistant Professor Liu Jia from SIAIS/SLST at ShanghaiTech shared the latest research progress from the perspective of the molecular mechanism of botulinum toxin. Associate Researcher Chen Hongli from SIAIS gave a report titled "Construction of Homogeneous Antibody-Drug Conjugates and Anti-Cancer Drug Development". Drug review expert introduced the content of pharmacological research in Phase I clinical trials of antibody drugs and engaged in exchanges with the audience.

Symposium on Translational and Innovative Capabilities in the Field of Life Sciences focuses on the transformation of life science achievements and the development and registration review policies of innovative drugs at ShanghaiTech University, aiming to better stimulate the creation of achievements in the field of life sciences, promote the transfer and transformation of innovative achievements, and help scientific research results move smoothly from the laboratory to the market. The two symposiums held so far have received enthusiastic responses and received positive feedback from faculty, students, research institutions, and related enterprises. In the future, the School of Life Science and Technology will continue to hold related activities to facilitate the transformation of life science and to enhance its innovation capabilities.

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